Supervision of food safety inspection needs three-in-one work together

2018-04-08 15:27:19 27863

Supervision of food safety inspection needs three-in-one work together

2018-03-09 Reagent technology


As early as a few years ago, general secretary Xi Jinping pointed out profoundly: food safety, is " tube". Faced with the situation of large quantity of production and operation subject, all kinds of risk interweaving, man-to-man supervision, high cost, the effect is not ideal, we must improve the supervision system, strengthen the supervision means, form the supervision system covering the whole process from the field to the table.
In recent years, according to the general secretary of the directive spirit, all over the food safety inspection and testing has done a lot of work, but also obtained a wealth of practical experience. To sum up these successful experiences, its core and main points are three aspects: first, we must rely on the strict supervision of the functional departments of the government to form a top-down " positive force" mechanism, that is, food safety inspection is not the enterprise want to use the problem, but must use, have to use the problem; The second is to require enterprises and production operators not only to really use rather than perfunctory response, make it clear that food safety inspection, sampling, the ultimate benefit or business entity; Third, give full play to the role of food safety inspection and testing enterprises as an important link between the former two, so as to be responsible for both the regulatory authorities and the main body of food business, and solve the " two skins" phenomenon of government supervision and production and operation in some places.

To strengthen the supervision department of rapid inspection monitoring


Local food and drug supervision departments at all levels should implement the responsibility of food safety inspection, strengthen the construction of inspection and testing capacity. In recent years, the food and drug administration departments and the general administration of quality inspection departments across the country began to focus on the procurement of food rapid detection equipment. These purchases focus on food and beverage, pesticide residues, food additives, non-edible substances in food, bacteria and other detection aspects, can cover the vast majority of daily consumption of food products for rapid detection, greatly facilitate the monitoring and inspection of local government departments, increase the farmers market, bazaars, mobile stalls and other inconvenience management of food safety corner inspection efforts, has important significance to China's food safety.
But at the same time, we also want to see, food rapid detection equipment industry also appeared mixed growth trend. Because there are many manufacturers of rapid inspection products, the accuracy of rapid inspection of their products is also different. One of the main reasons is that the national and industry standards for food safety inspection are not strong enough. Therefore, it is suggested that the relevant departments of the state should develop and formulate the access and product certification mechanism of the rapid inspection products production enterprises as soon as possible, and measure the accuracy, detection limit, precision, repeatability, reproducibility, anti-interference and whole-process analysis time, so as to evaluate the effectiveness of the rapid inspection instrument, improve the threshold of product production and sales, ensure the benign development of the industry, and truly play the role of rapid inspection as a food safety guarantee technical means.

Provide more powerful weapons for fast food safety inspection

At present, in the field of production and circulation, the use frequency of fast food safety inspection by regulatory authorities and food business entities is increasing. Rapid detection, as an efficient detection method, is increasingly used in the field of food safety detection. Many years of practice have proved that it is difficult to monitor food safety status in time and quickly from the source only by a series of laboratory testing techniques determined by national standards and standards. therefore, rapid screening and rapid testing techniques and equipment have become an important bridge to achieve effective convergence between regulatory authorities and food business entities, and also an important " weapon" supplier in the field of food safety rapid testing.

Let the food safety inspection become the main business insurmountable " red line"


On the basis of strong supervision and sophisticated weapons, must also play the role of the main business. The competent department of the government to force shangchao, wholesale market operators strictly fulfill the purchase inspection, sampling inspection, cable card ticket and other legal obligations, the enterprise's fast inspection room and fast inspection equipment, not only as a deal with superior inspection equipment, and should become all food and agricultural products insurmountable into the market " red line". Therefore, to further expand the edible agricultural products, food fast inspection, sampling coverage, specification of edible agricultural products, food fast detection method evaluation, strengthen fast inspection, sampling monitoring and verification after disposal, according to the law published fast inspection, sampling information; Strengthen the standardization construction of market fast inspection room, do a good job in the market sales of edible agricultural products fast inspection screening of hardware and software construction.
In short, only give full play to the role of the above three, trinity, do their duties, responsibility, form a chain of food safety supervision from top to bottom, in order to truly put the general secretary said " food safety is tube out" into practice, also can fundamentally improve the people's sense of food safety.


